15 December 1601

            Since I have had to keep my distance from Hamlet, no event of particular interest has passed in which to cause me to write. Except for today, when Hamlet gave me the greatest fright of my life!

Having denied Hamlet love in all forms, except for deep within my heart, I have kept myself busy sewing as a way to distract myself (although it does not do much good). Whenever my thoughts wander to Hamlet and cannot find another subject to dwell upon, I sew.

Today was one of those days. I was working on a new dress when, suddenly, there was a pounding on the door, startling me half to death! I immediately answered and let in a raving Hamlet, so unlike the Hamlet I have grown to love.

His clothes were disheveled and his skin was paler than his shirt. Before I could even question him, Hamlet grabbed my wrist, then my arm, and pulled me towards him. Uncomfortable, I attempted to pull away, but he did no harm. He simply stared intricately at my face with wide eyes. Then, he let me go and left.

Unsure what to make of the entire ordeal, and frightened out of my wits, I went to find my father and told him everything. According to him, Hamlet’s actions are “the very ecstasy of love.” I supposedly made Hamlet mad by following my father’s orders and denying Hamlet’s access to me.

If my father is accurate, then I am truly a fool! How could I have obeyed my father’s orders without explaining to Hamlet the reason for my sudden distance? I had planned to tell Hamlet the next night he visited my chamber, but he has abstained since the month before last. I assumed he was simply occupied with his grief over his father’s death and mother’s marriage. In addition, he had still written me love letters, which let me know he still favors me.

I kept them tucked under my pillow at night to remind me of him, although I did not read them out of fear they would make me long for Hamlet more. My father has them now to show the king.

It does perplex me, though, why Hamlet has not returned at least once to my chamber. Although he does still write me love letters, would he not wish for the comfort of my love during such difficult times? I cannot come up with a satisfactory reason. The puzzle has indeed given me much stress, even to the point where my bleeding has not occurred for a month. 

Nevertheless, it does not seem plausible to me that Hamlet would act the way he did simply because I have recently neglected him. It was too strange. Yes, he came to me without a hat and his socks were soiled. Yes, he looked pale and his knees were knocking together as if he were shaking. Yes, he grabbed me with such a hard grip that I feared him.

Yet, as I looked into Hamlet’s crystal, blue eyes, I did not see the eyes of a mad man. When I gazed back into those eyes I love so, I saw reason, logic, and contemplation, just as I have always seen. I did not by any means find senseless, irrational, and foreign eyes observing me.

Perhaps I cannot explain why Hamlet acted as he did today. However, I do know I disagree with my father. He may feel confident enough in his deduction that he could bring it to the king, but I do not. Hamlet has a plan underneath those blonde curls I adore so. All I must do is discover it.

My father beckons. I shall rush to his side for he has news of his meeting with King Claudius and Queen Gertrude.

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